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TOP » xpwiki » Install;en

Installation anchor.png Edit

  1. Unpack xpWiki*.zip. Download
  2. Upload to server.
    • Upload all of under html directory files to XOOPS_ROOT_PATH directory.
      • You can change dirctory name from "xpwiki" to any in html side.
    • Upload all of under trust directory files to XOOPS_TRUST_PATH directory.
  3. Change permission XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/modules/xpwiki/admin/setup.cgi to executable.(0705, 0755 etc)
  4. Access to XOOPS_URL/modules/xpwiki/admin/setup.cgi by your browser.
    • All message is "OK", So the setting of the permission is completed. If you see 'NG' or inaccessible. Please set permission like a next.
    • Permission of XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/modules/xpwiki (example)
      attach                 707
      attach/s               707
      private/backup         707
      private/cache          707
      private/cache/page     707
      private/cache/plugin   707
      private/counter        707
      private/diff           707
      private/trackback      707
      private/wiki           707
  5. Module install on XOOPS's admin menu.
  6. Do procedure, xpWiki admin menu > AdminTools > Synchronize Database > Go!
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Notes on XOOPS Cube Legacy anchor.png Edit

HypCommonPreLoad.class.php is included in the html/preload directory. This is a file that applies HypCommonPreLoad to your site.

Various filters such as the spam contribution prevention filters are effective to HypCommonPreLoad. It doesn't care even if HypCommonPreLoad.class.php is deleted if those filters are quite unnecessary. Moreover, please adjust it properly referring to the page of HypCommonPreLoad according to the site management policy when it wants to change a set value and to operate it by you.

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Counter: 714, today: 1, yesterday: 0
Princeps date: 2007-12-24 (Mon) 14:17:20
Last-modified: 2008-07-26 (Sat) 00:28:52 (JST) (5950d) by nao-pon



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