【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><em>Mixtec Evangelicals</em> is a comparative ethnography of four Mixtec communities in Oaxaca, detailing the process by which economic migration and religious conversion combine to change the social and cultural makeup of predominantly folk-Catholic communities. The book describes the effects on the home communities of the Mixtecs who travel to northern Mexico and the United States in search of wage labor and return having converted from their rural Catholic roots to Evangelical Protestant religions.</p> <p>O’Connor identifies globalization as the root cause of this process. She demonstrates the ways that neoliberal policies have forced Mixtecs to migrate and how migration provides the contexts for conversion. Converts challenge the set of customs governing their Mixtec villages by refusing to participate in the Catholic ceremonies and social gatherings that areat the center of traditional village life. The home ...
彩音×流田Project初コラボ!流田Project楽曲「cry out」を彩音が熱唱! 「太鼓の達人」の楽曲「Red Rose Evange」のフルサイズ、 アニソンカヴァー「Reckless fire」を収録! [収録曲] M1 cry out M2 Red Rose Evangel M3 Reckless fire M4 cry out (カラオケ) M5 Red Rose Evang
George Skaroulis/Return To Homeland Dance / Athena / Traditions / Homeland / Kalymonos / I Remember / Eleni / Tarpon / Open Arms / Return to Patmos / Rosemary / Evi's Song / Lullaby for Luke / Evangel
大好評・激安輸入盤企画に新たなビッグ・ネーム&強力盤が登場! 名盤ライブラリーも更にパワー・アップ! カントリー・ロック界の歌姫として君臨するエミルー・ハリス。今やカントリー界に止まらず、アメリカを代表するヴォーカリストとして世界的に認知されている彼女のリプリーズ時代の名盤集に第2弾が登場! 【収録アルバム】 『Roses In The Snow/ローゼス・イン・ザ・スノー』 『Evangel