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Summary Of
Summary Of "The Democratic Regime: Advances And Difficulties" By Fernando Garc?a Molina UNIVERSITY SUMMARIES【電子書籍】[ MAURICIO ENRIQUE FAU ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>We have summarized the essential of this book by the author.</p> <p>The democratic regime: advances and difficulties (1983-1989)</p> <p>Alfons?n defeated Peronism in the October 1983 elections, with the support of the middle sectors, women and the youth, but also of a band of industrial workers, traditionally Peronist, votes. He thus started a NEW RADICAL GOVERNMENT.<br /> In a SERIES OF INTERVIEWS WITH ALFONS?N, he pointed out that there was great democratic enthusiasm, after the terrible dictatorship, since freedoms, pluralism, etc., were returning. Argentines began to VALUE DEMOCRACY.<br /> The UCR, according to Alfons?n, was the one who could best administer democracy, since Peronism was linked to the violence of previous decades and authoritarianism.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このペ...

Defiant Children When Your Kid isn’t Just Difficult【電子書籍】[ Brittany Forrester ]
Defiant Children When Your Kid isn’t Just Difficult【電子書籍】[ Brittany Forrester ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Learning to communicate and manage frustration is part of growing up. But some children don't master those skills. Suppose their frequent angry outbursts and aggressive behaviors interfere with family life, making friends, or school performance. In that case, they may have the oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), which, by some estimates, affects up to 16 percent of school-age children. Though no statistics are available for younger children, experts say that most children with ODD show signs of the disorder in the preschool years.</p> <p>Oppositional defiant disorder describes a pattern of angry/irritable mood, argumentative/defiant behavior, and/or spitefulness that lasts at least six months in multiple settings. It occurs almost daily in children younger than 5 and at least once a week in older children. (By 6 or 7 years old, most children have learned to express anger in productive, socially acceptable ways.)</p>...

Du d?sespoir ? la pleine joie : comment devenir ta propre h?ro?ne, une vraie CHAMPIONNE DE JOIE ! Mes cl?s de joie pour transformer tes difficult?s de vie en championnat de bonheur【電子書籍】[ Eulalia Codipietro ]
Du d?sespoir ? la pleine joie : comment devenir ta propre h?ro?ne, une vraie CHAMPIONNE DE JOIE ! Mes cl?s de joie pour transformer tes difficult?s de vie en championnat de bonheur【電子書籍】[ Eulalia Codipietro ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Le 2 septembre 2022, ? la suite d’une visite m?dicale o? on m’annonce une nouvelle mena?ante concernant ma sant?, un d?clic se produit dans ma vie. J’arr?te de rechercher le bonheur, et je me recentre vers la personne que j’?tais avant la s?rie d’?v?nements qui ont bouscul? mon existence. Je retrouve ainsi la personne confiante, capable de d?ployer son potentiel illimit? et activer son moteur premier : la joie de vivre. Ce guide explique les cl?s de joie que j’ai collectionn?es le long de mon chemin personnel. Il montre ?galement comment, en corrigeant mes erreurs, j’ai retrouv? le fil rouge de mon essence authentique pour parvenir ? vivre pleinement en joie. Tissant le lien entre les ?pisodes de ma vie personnelle et mon exp?rience professionnelle, il pr?sente les m?canismes sous-jacents au d?veloppement personnel vers la joie et les cl? essentielles pour comprendreet surmonter les d?fis d'une existence. Ce livre e...

Pocz?tek Przymierza Zmierzch Epoki, #1【電子書籍】[ Shaun L Griffiths ]
Pocz?tek Przymierza Zmierzch Epoki, #1【電子書籍】[ Shaun L Griffiths ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Stoj?cy zawsze w pobli?u Kerri, jej najbli?si przyjaciele nagle znikaj?.</p> <p>Zostaj? porwani i przeniesieni przez tajemnicz? Bram? do innej rzeczywisto?ci. Tam zostaj? wkr?ceni w tocz?cy si? konflikt. A wszystko to z powodu kryszta?u, kt?rego posiadanie doprowadzi?o do upadku cywilizacje.</p> <p>Postanawiaj?c odnale?? przyjaci??, Kerri przedostaje si? przez Bram? do ?wiata, o istnieniu kt?rego nie mia?a poj?cia. W nowym, pe?nym niebezpiecze?stw ?wiecie, stawia czo?a gro?nym, zimowym zamieciom, oraz przybieraj?cym postacie nied?wiedzi i lw?w g?rskich, ludziom. Wszystkoto, aby ocali? przyjaci??.</p> <p>Dziewczyna nie wie, ?e wszystkiemu przygl?da si? z ukrycia tajemnicze Z?o.<br /> Konflikt przybiera na sile. Ten kto b?dzie w posiadaniu kryszta?u, b?dzie mia? klucz do nowego ?wiata.</p> <p>Czy Kerri b?dzie potrafi?a stworzy? sojusz z nied?wiedziami i lwami, by ocali? przyjaci???<br /> Czy skorumpowane ...

Summary of G. Edward Griffin's The Creature from Jekyll Island【電子書籍】[ ? Everest Media ]
Summary of G. Edward Griffin's The Creature from Jekyll Island【電子書籍】[ ? Everest Media ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Please note: This is a companion version &not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 The New Jersey railway station was bitterly cold that night in 1910. The name of Nelson Aldrich, senator from Rhode Island, was well known even in New Jersey. He was considered to be the political spokesman for big business. #2 The roster of the Aldrich car that night was Nelson W. Aldrich, Republican whip in the Senate and chairman of the National Monetary Commission, business associate of J. P. Morgan, father-in-law to John D. Rockefeller, Jr. #3 By 1913, the year that the Federal Reserve Act was passed, a subcommittee of the House Committee on Currency and Banking completed its investigation into the concentration of financial power in the United States. The report was devastating: the men who through their control over the funds of our railroad and industrial companies were able to direct where those funds were kept, were the ...

Ashley and the Griffin【電子書籍】[ Linda L Brown ]
Ashley and the Griffin【電子書籍】[ Linda L Brown ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>"You are definitely not one of mine," the Griffin saw her hair cascading pass her shoulders and the fiery golden locks gave a twinkle of delight in his eyes. But that wasn't all they caught.<br /> Following his line of sight, Ashley saw she was wearing only her sports bra above the covers. Embarrassment was just the first of the emotions stirring inside her. With anger close behind it didn't take long for it to take over and she swiftly pulled the covers up to her chin. "How dare you!"<br /> "How dare, I?" the Griffin said mockingly while resting his fists upon his hips. "I am not the one who snuck on board portraying to be someone I am not."<br /> "Oh really," Ashley snapped back, "That's ripe coming from a man who prances around on his off days, from festival to festival, pretending to be a pirate captain."<br /> "Pretend," the Griffin sternly ...

History of Bangor【電子書籍】[ Iolo Griffiths ]
History of Bangor【電子書籍】[ Iolo Griffiths ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The history of the city of Bangor in Gwynedd,north west Wales, from its origins as a small monastic settlement to a cathedral town, and the present university town and centre of culture and commerce</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Revivals in Anglesey【電子書籍】[ Iolo Griffiths ]
Revivals in Anglesey【電子書籍】[ Iolo Griffiths ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Wales has often been referred to as a Land of Revivals, and Anglesey is no exception. This book traces the history and impacts of the series of revivals that touched Anglesey from the 18th century to the most recent one, which was in 1905.</p> <p>Some of these revivals were local, touching individual villages and their vicinity, while others were part of a more widespread move of God.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

CoDC II Coven of Dixon Cliff II【電子書籍】[ Cheryl L. Hyde ]
CoDC II Coven of Dixon Cliff II【電子書籍】[ Cheryl L. Hyde ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Sexy witches from an alternate time direction discover what they thought was their destiny maybe isn't.</strong></p> <p>The Coven of Dixon Cliff (CoDC) series is a fun, slightly science fiction and alien influenced tale about a normal group of friends who find their lives suddenly turned upside down and then flipped around again. These sexy and somewhat wild witches from an alternate time direction discover what they thought was their destiny maybe isn't.</p> <p>Have you ever had your life planned out, only to discover what you thought was your destiny maybe isn't? Or maybe it still is, but another destiny, a dual-destiny, presents itself. Max and Kaylie, Cassy and Ayla live typical SoCal lives until a dormant alien DNA activates in their blood and flips their lives upside down. To escape an impending Earth apocalypse, they and others like them, travel to a different time direction and an island utopia,...

Summary of Dennis Griffin's The Battle for Las Vegas【電子書籍】[ ? Everest Media ]
Summary of Dennis Griffin's The Battle for Las Vegas【電子書籍】[ ? Everest Media ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Please note: This is a companion version &not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 In 1829, an 18-year-old Mexican scout for the Antonio Armijo Trading Caravan found a new trade route from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to Los Angeles. In 1855, Brigham Young ordered 30 missionaries to Las Vegas Valley to teach the Paiutes farming techniques. The Paiutes rejected the Mormon’s offerings, and the fort was abandoned in 1858. #2 The first Strip casino, the El Rancho Vegas, opened in 1941. It was followed by the Flamingo in 1946, which was built by gangster Benjamin Siegel. Siegel had the looks of a Hollywood leading man and made frequent trips from New York to Los Angeles. #3 Siegel was unable to get funding for the Flamingo from his gangland friends, and he began to run out of his own estimated $1 million. He made numerous trips to the Midwest and East Coast in search of additional funding. #4 The Flamingo opened in Las Veg...

Ein Raumschiff in einer weit entfernten Galaxis: Science Fiction Fantasy Gro?band 3 Romane 12/2021【電子書籍】[ Alfred Bekker ]
Ein Raumschiff in einer weit entfernten Galaxis: Science Fiction Fantasy Gro?band 3 Romane 12/2021【電子書籍】[ Alfred Bekker ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Ein Raumschiff in einer weit entfernten Galaxis: Science Fiction Fantasy Gro?band 3 Romane 12/2021</p> <p>von Alfred Bekker</p> <p>?ber diesen Band:</p> <p>Dieser Band enth?lt folgende SF-Romane von Alfred Bekker:</p> <p>Das Schiff der Noroofen</p> <p>Herrscher ?ber Galaxien</p> <p>Die abgelegene Sternenstadt</p> <p>Die Crew des Raumschiffs Caesar ist in der Unendlichkeit der Raumzeit gestrandet. Commander John Bradford sieht sich einer leblosen Erde gegen?ber, die durch einen Gamma-Blitz zerst?rt wurde. Und ihm wird klar, dass er seine Hoffnung, die Androidin Josephine wiederzufinden, wohl begraben muss.</p> <p>Da meldet sich ein alter Feind mit Macht zu Wort...</p> <p>Ein Feind, der nicht weniger anstrebt, als HERRSCHER ?BER GALAXIEN zu werden...</p> <p>Ein Raumschiff extraterrestrischer Technologie und eine zusammengew?rfelte Crew auf einer kosmischen Odyssee durch die Unendlichke...

A History of Beaumaris【電子書籍】[ Iolo Griffiths ]
A History of Beaumaris【電子書籍】[ Iolo Griffiths ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The history of the town of Beaumaris in Anglesey from its origins as an English settlement and castle. As the county town for Anglesey it was a great centre for justice, administration, education and of society in general, as well as an important sea port. Nowadays it is a small tourist resort but has a rich and varied history</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Summary of Misty Griffin's Tears of the Silenced【電子書籍】[ Everest Media ]
Summary of Misty Griffin's Tears of the Silenced【電子書籍】[ Everest Media ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Please note: This is a companion version &not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 I was born in Phoenix, Arizona, to a rather unusual couple. My mother was the seventeen-year-old girlfriend of her former stepfather, who was only twenty-eight-years-old himself. I was not their first child, and I was the brand new sister to a two-year-old boy. #2 I was four years old when I was attacked by a dog. The next day, I was in a hospital room with my mother, who was standing over me. I had a long scar running from my left temple to my mid-cheek, another under my right eye, and several stitches on the back of my head where the dog’s upper eye-teeth had sunk in. I was never the same. #3 I was taken to a new home by a man named Brian, who told me that my mother had said I was very intelligent. I was placed in the middle of the back seat of his jeep, and we drove north into the Bradshaw Mountains of northern Arizona. We arr...

Summary of Helen McGrath &Hazel Edwards's Difficult Personalities【電子書籍】[ ? Everest Media ]
Summary of Helen McGrath &Hazel Edwards's Difficult Personalities【電子書籍】[ ? Everest Media ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Please note: This is a companion version &not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a test used by many psychologists and organizations to get some idea of people’s preferred style of operating, and their resultant behavior patterns, needs, strengths, and limitations. #2 The three dimensions of your decision-making style are preference, basis, and preference. Your styles reflect your natural preferences, not permanent facts about how you always behave. They are not rigid categories containing a set of unchanging and unchangeable characteristics. #3 When one person comes home and perceives the other to be wrong in how they behave, they are more likely to fight. But if they frame it as difference and negotiate, then it doesn’t have to create tension.#4 The terms extrovert and introvert are used casually to describe psychological differences in the way people prefer to operate. T...

Affrontare i momenti difficili con la resilienza【電子書籍】[ Gary Randolph ]
Affrontare i momenti difficili con la resilienza【電子書籍】[ Gary Randolph ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Serenit? e resilienza sono i segreti di una vita di successo: la serenit? ci rende pi? forti, la resilienza ci aiuta ad affrontare il caos della vita.<br /> Quando ci ritroviamo in situazioni difficili e spiacevoli, le zone cerebrali deputate alla creazione delle emozioni vanno in codice rosso, ostacolando le abilit? cognitive e le capacit? decisionali. Questo libro ? per te se vuoi gestire le tue emozioni e riprendere il controllo del tuo io razionale.</p> <p>Questa guida in formato e-book ti aiuter? a:</p> <p>- essere pi? resiliente nei momenti difficili<br /> - usare il 5G per mantenere competitiva la tua azienda<br /> - capire come combattere lo stress<br /> - identificare le principali fonti di disturbo<br /> - cercare e ottenere aiuto online<br /> - conoscere metodi produttivi per gestire lo stress<br /> - trovare soluzioni per ricaricarti e rilassarti<br /> - e molto altro!</p>画面が切り替...

Summary Of
Summary Of "The Difficult International Insertion Of Latin America" By Enrique Iglesias UNIVERSITY SUMMARIES【電子書籍】[ MAURICIO ENRIQUE FAU ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>We have summarized here the essential of this book by the author.</p> <p>THE DIFFICULT INTERNATIONAL INSERTION OF LATIN AMERICA</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>The economic crisis that the countries of Latin America are going through has implied not only a setback for theirlong-term development, but also marked a loss of the place that the region occupied within world trade and the flow of capital.<br /> Faced with the seriousness of the crisis, some countries have had to apply a series of programs aimed at structural reform with the aim of deactivating the inflationary tendencies of their economies, encouraging investment and opening markets to the international flow of foreign currency and investors, liberate the operating guidelines of national markets and reduce the weight of the State in the economic sphere.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切...

Summary of Dennis N. Griffin &Frank Cullotta's Cullotta【電子書籍】[ ? Everest Media ]
Summary of Dennis N. Griffin &Frank Cullotta's Cullotta【電子書籍】[ ? Everest Media ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Please note: This is a companion version &not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 On October 11, 1979, a dead man was found floating face down in the swimming pool of his residence at 2303 Rawhide Avenue in Las Vegas. He had been shot in the head several times by a small-caliber handgun. The corpse was that of 46-year-old Sherwin Jerry Lisner. His wife Jeannie, a cocktail waitress at the Aladdin, found the body.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Summary of Renee Evenson's Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People【電子書籍】[ ? Everest Media ]
Summary of Renee Evenson's Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People【電子書籍】[ ? Everest Media ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Please note: This is a companion version &not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 When you’re forced to work with people you wouldn’t choose to be with, it can be difficult to maintain your composure and control your emotions. However, you must learn how to communicate assertively and constructively in order to resolve conflict. #2 During a staff meeting, Kate was presenting when oneof her coworkers, Emma, interrupted and disagreed with what she was saying. As a result, Kate lost her concentration and confidence and found it difficult to regroup and get back on track. #3 When Kate accused Emma of always interrupting her, the conversation quickly escalated and went downhill. Both women spoke angrily, and there was no way to turn their banter into a constructive dialogue. #4 The number one rule when resolving conflict is to never start a conversation with the word you. It will immediately put the other person o...

The Man in the Painting【電子書籍】[ Susan Griffin ]
The Man in the Painting【電子書籍】[ Susan Griffin ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><em><strong>A captivating dual timeline mystery romance, set in Lyme Regis.</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>A novel spanning two centuries, set against the historic backdrop of the Jurassic coast, about a painting that links one family, the quest to solve a mysterious death and, ultimately, the search for love.</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>'The windswept beaches of Lyme Regis conceal prehistoric jewels, awaiting discovery by those with 'the eye'.</strong></em></p> <p><strong>1824</strong></p> <p>After being struck by lightning as a baby, Mary Anning was gifted special powers. One of these gifts was uncovering dinosaur fossils in the cliffs near her home, setting the world of geology alight with her discoveries. However, surrounded by fierce prejudice in a male-dominated world, she was forced to watch as visiting geologists claimed her discoveries as their own.</p> <p>Whe...

Across Africa Alone【電子書籍】[ Susan Giffin ]
Across Africa Alone【電子書籍】[ Susan Giffin ]
¥ 500 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>At first sight, crossing Central Africa alone in 1960 in a VW Beetle, 40-year-old American-born Louise D'Oliveira might have seemed to be a tourist thrill seeker. Instead, her mission was that of a literacy teacher with the goal of bringing Africans out of the darkness of illiteracy into a brighter future. She was inspired and trained by Dr. Frank C. Laubach, known as the apostle to the silent billion.</p> <p>In those days, indigenous people usually did not bother a single white woman traveling alone, assuming she was a teacher, a nurse, or a missionary, but Louise did encounterconsiderable danger, from herds of elephants to hostile mobs in the throes of political turmoil as they fought for independence.</p> <p>Louise did not let danger, three cases of malaria, or exhaustion from driving thousands of miles alone deter her from her calling. She met with local leaders, literacy organizations, and missionaries to help...

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Iffi Puti/Hari Baru
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