【輸入盤CD】【新品】Adult / Way Things Fall (アダルト)
【ただ今クーポン発行中です】2013/5/14 発売輸入盤レーベル:GHOSTLY INT'L収録曲:(アダルト)2013 album from the Indie duo. The Way Things Fall is the band's long-awaited follow-up to their album, Why Bother? (2007). This is a record that sounds both focused and coherent, flowing with a conceptual ease. "[The album] flowedefficiently and agreeably for us," says Adam Lee Miller. "We have never worked better together. We believe this is because we exorcised all of our demons through our past records, we have no baggage, we started anew. We left behind the self-conscious adolescents." And indeed, Adult have never sounded so self-assured, so poised, and so vital.