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これらのキーワードがハイライトされています: 5028421957890


価格で絞り込む: 円以上

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【輸入盤CD】Lobo / Sacred Vocal Music (2019/2/1発売)(ロボ)』の一発価格比較一覧

1,790 1,890 1,990
型番候補(適合度順): K2019(1)
5028421957890」の総点数(2): Yahoo!ショッピングショ: (1), 楽天市場市: (1), その他のマーケットA他A: (0), その他のマーケット他B: (0) から 2点を表示しています。
価格、在庫状況などの更新日時: 2023年12月13日 13時12分57秒 (2.31s)

【輸入盤CD】Lobo / Sacred Vocal Music  (2019/2/1発売)(ロボ)
【輸入盤CD】Lobo / Sacred Vocal Music (2019/2/1発売)(ロボ)
¥ 1,790 送料案内:
2019/2/1 発売 輸入盤 レーベル: BRILLIANT CLASSICS 収録曲: On this new recording, Coro Victoria offers a portrait of Alonso Lobo (1555-1617) through a cross-section of his sacred output (his works in Spanish are all lost). The group also illustrates the variety of interpretative practices of the period. The concluding O quam suavis est Domine is sung by a single soprano while the vihuela accompaniment supplies the remaining five parts. Church choirs sang this music in the liturgy, but minstrels also played it during processions, and there was free traffic between sacred and secular contexts. Coro Victoria was founded by it's director, Ana Fern?ndez-Vega, to recover and preserve a native, historically informed tradition of singing Spanish polyphony from it's Renaissance-era high noon, exemplified not only by Victoria himself but also his contemporaries such as the Seville-born and bred Alonso Lobo (indeed, Victoria considered Lobo his

【輸入盤CD】Lobo / Sacred Vocal Music 【K2019/2/1発売】(ロボ)
【輸入盤CD】Lobo / Sacred Vocal Music 【K2019/2/1発売】(ロボ)
¥ 1,990 送料案内:
型番: K2019
【ただ今クーポン発行中です】2019/2/1 発売輸入盤レーベル: BRILLIANT CLASSICS収録曲:(ロボ)On this new recording, Coro Victoria offers a portrait of Alonso Lobo (1555-1617) through a cross-section of his sacred output (his works in Spanish are all lost). The group also illustrates the variety of interpretative practices ofthe period. The concluding O quam suavis est Domine is sung by a single soprano while the vihuela accompaniment supplies the remaining five parts. Church choirs sang this music in the liturgy, but minstrels also played it during processions, and there was free traffic between sacred and secular contexts. Coro Victoria was founded by it's director, Ana Fernandez-Vega, to recover and preserve a native, historically informed tradition of singing Spanish polyphony from it's Renaissance-era high noon, exemplified not only by Victoria himself but also his contemporaries such as the Seville-born andbred Alonso Lobo (indeed, Victoria considered Lobo his equal). He is now best known...

価格で絞り込む: 円以上

【輸入盤CD】Lobo / Sacred Vocal Music (2019/2/1発売)(ロボ) の外部リンク





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