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価格、在庫状況などの更新日時: 2024年04月12日 03時19分00秒 (2.20s)
Seks &Parijs【電子書籍】[ Anna Muller ]
Seks &Parijs【電子書籍】[ Anna Muller ]
¥ 403 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Stacy is net verhuisd naar Parijs voor haar werk, ze komt uit haar geboortestreek Texas en houdt van de Franse levensstijl. Vervolgens regelde ze haar nieuwe Parijse appartement in de pure traditionele stijl en ging ze op een mooie zondag in het voorjaar naar de vlooienmarkten om de meubels te vinden die haar appartement tot een gezellig nestje zouden maken.</p> <p>Dan komt ze Marc tegen, een knappe meubelmaker, 10 jaar ouder dan zij, met grote ruwe handen die werken met hout, gespierd lichaam en doordringende ogen... Ze hebben een verhaal, maar zonder het te weten worden ze waargenomen door Matthew.</p> <p>Alles ging niet volgens plan in Parijs voor Stacy, die na een ontmoeting met Marc in een gevaarlijk spel verzeild raakte met haar collega Matthew die haar nu kon chanteren.<br /> Matthew is perverser dan hij lijkt, en Stacy zal hem en zijn verlangens onder ogen moeten zien... en zijn verlangen om maximaal te g...

Doctor Who Episode By Episode: Volume 5 Peter Davison【電子書籍】[ Ray Dexter ]
Doctor Who Episode By Episode: Volume 5 Peter Davison【電子書籍】[ Ray Dexter ]
¥ 517 送料無料: 500円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Everybody watches Doctor Who the wrong way. Since the advent of DVD and VHS fans can pick and choose which stories to watch. This is not how Doctor Who was designed. It's an episodic show spanning over 40 years. This book is the 5th Volume of a series studying Doctor Who in the format it was designed to be watched: episode-by-episode, from the start to the finish. It looks at the changing characterisation of the main characters and the often chaotic action behind the scenes. And this book, boy did it get chaotic! If you're a true fan isn't time you watched Doctor Who episode by episode?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Adao's Dance a search for meaning and peace【電子書籍】[ Russ Masterson ]
Adao's Dance a search for meaning and peace【電子書籍】[ Russ Masterson ]
¥ 800 送料無料: 500円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Adao's Dance is powerful in its narrative and insight as the prairie boy, Adao, receives a dream with a holy man, hears a voice in the wind, and leaves his home to slay the Dragon and receive renown. Leaving behind everything he wishes to escape, abuse, grief, and the gnawing groan of a heartat war, Adao attempts the unthinkable. Generations ago twelve men, one from each of the prairie's villages, departed to attempt the conquest of summiting the great mountain known as the Dragon. Motivated by proving their valor and receiving fame in the wake, they left only to return broken and bloodied, for beasts reside in the hills, and villages of brutality guard the ascent. No one has left the prairie since, until a dream came and a boy listened. In this moving and spiritually deep story Adao moves into an unknown, dangerous, and supernatural world discovering both friends and enemies, acclaim and despair, while gaining wisdom abou...

Le chant du papillon【電子書籍】[ Gilbert Bordes ]
Le chant du papillon【電子書籍】[ Gilbert Bordes ]
¥ 1,760 送料無料: 1,500円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>1940, entre le Montmartre de Doisneau et un petit village du Bordelais. La difficile adaptation ? la campagne d'un enfant hant? par le souvenir de sa m?re disparue, arr?t?e par la Gestapo ? Paris.</strong></p> <p>Arnaud, 11 ans, n'a jamais quitt? Paris, o? il est n?. C'est depuis les fen?tres de son immeuble, r?fugi? chez sa voisine, qu'il a aper?u deux hommes emmener sa m?re. Depuis, ce souvenir le hante. Il est alors recueilli chez ses grands-parents maternels, de rudes paysans de la r?gion bordelaise. Marguerite, sa grand-m?re, ne montre aucune tendresse envers ce petit-fils dont elle ne conna?t pas le p?re. Elle l'envoie garder les moutons et lui fait faire de menus travaux ? la ferme. La vie est dure ? Lussac, et elle ne fait pas de cadeaux. Outre son pied bot, qui lui attire de violentes moqueries, Arnaud souffre des remarques virulentes sur sa m?re que tout le monde, dans le village, traite de prosti...

Bite-Size Python An Introduction to Python Programming【電子書籍】[ April Speight ]
Bite-Size Python An Introduction to Python Programming【電子書籍】[ April Speight ]
¥ 2,323 送料無料: 2,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Introduce children to the popular Python programming language through relatable examples and fun projects!</strong></p> <p>Python has now surpassed Java as the most commonly used programming language. As the language rises in popularity, this complete guide can teach basic Python concepts to kids with its simple, friendly format. <em>Bite-Size Python: An Introduction to Python Programming</em> provides children with a foundation in the Python language. This unique book shares knowledge through easy-to-understand examples, fast exercises, and fun projects!</p> <p>As children learn, their parents, caregivers, and instructors can also join in their discoveries. <em>Bite-Size Python</em> is ideal for those who are new to programming, giving kids ages 9 and up a beginners’ approach to learning one of the most important programming languages.</p> <ul> <li>Gives an overview of Python</li> <li...

価格で絞り込む: 円以上

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