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これらのキーワードがハイライトされています: F436-42


価格で絞り込む: 円以上

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型番: 『F436-42』の最安一覧

143 2,017 7,003
F436-42」の総点数(5): Yahoo!ショッピングショ: (-), 楽天市場市: (5), その他のマーケットA他A: (-), その他のマーケット他B: (0) から 5点を表示しています。
価格、在庫状況などの更新日時: 2024年04月20日 10時42分23秒 (1.41s)
ラブリラン プチキス(2)【電子書籍】[ 天沢アキ ]
ラブリラン プチキス(2)【電子書籍】[ 天沢アキ ]
¥ 143 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>仕事はデキるが30歳にして恋愛経験がないサヤカは、大学時代のゼミ仲間・鷺沢に十年来の片想いをしていた。ついに念願の鷺沢との初デート前夜、胸躍らせ眠りにつくサヤカ。ところが目覚めると、感じの悪い職場の後輩・町田と同棲を始めていた! どうやらサヤカは頭を打ったショックで、1ヵ月分の記憶を失ってしまったらしく……!?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

L'ultimo sognatore【電子書籍】[ Cristian Martini ]
L'ultimo sognatore【電子書籍】[ Cristian Martini ]
¥ 242 送料無料:
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Un romanzo di formazione. La storia di un ragazzo che, al termine della scuola media, ha come unica prospettiva quella di aiutare il padre nel lavoro dei campi. L'incontro, all'inizio furtivo, con un viaggiatore, un uomo vissuto "venuto da fuori" e schivo verso la comunit?, gli aprir? nuovi orizzonti, di pensiero e di speranze. "Ho realizzato i pi? bei sogni che la mia mente abbia concepito. Ho sentito la libert? scorrermi nelle vene, pompata da un cuore felice. Ho vissuto al massimo, abbeverandomi da ogni sorgente di esperienza. Ora non mi rimane pi? nulla da fare qui".</p> <p>L'autore:<br /> Cristian Martini nasce a Parma il 27 novembre 1979. Trascorre infanzia e adolescenza tra due posti completamente diversi: un tranquillo e isolato paese di collina sull'Appennino tosco-emiliano e la rumorosa e caotica Milano.<br /> A vent’anni inizia il suo vagabondaggio cimentandosi in viaggi in giro per ...

Edmund Unravels【電子書籍】[ Andrew Kolb ]
Edmund Unravels【電子書籍】[ Andrew Kolb ]
¥ 998 送料無料: 500円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>"Consider this children’s book to be 2015’s version of <em>Oh, the Places You’ll Go!</em> Edmund, an adorable ball of yarn, sets off to explore the world. He meets interesting people and visits exciting places, but ultimately, finds that he can’t head out into the world alone without a little support from his family.”</strong><br /> <strong>ー<em>Real Simple</em></strong></p> <p>This delightful debut picture book celebrates both the joy of venturing into the unknown and the value of staying connected to loved ones back home.It stars a little ball of yarn who can’t resist the tug of adventure, the twists and turns of discovery, or the comfort of family and friends.</p> <p>Edmund is a ball of yarn and a ball of energy! From the time he could roll, he’s been bouncing down his front steps to explore, and his parents have always been right there to reel him in and roll him back up. B...

A Theory of Virtual Agency for Western Art Music【電子書籍】[ Robert S. Hatten ]
A Theory of Virtual Agency for Western Art Music【電子書籍】[ Robert S. Hatten ]
¥ 1,702 送料無料: 1,500円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>In his third volume on musical expressive meaning, Robert S. Hatten examines virtual agency in music from the perspectives of movement, gesture, embodiment, topics, tropes, emotion, narrativity, and performance. Distinguished from the actual agency of composers and performers, whose intentional actions either create music as notated or manifest music as significant sound, virtual agency is inferred from the implied actions of those sounds, as they move and reveal tendencies within music-stylistic contexts. From our most basic attributions of sources for perceived energies in music, to the highest realm of our engagement with musical subjectivity, Hatten explains how virtual agents arose as distinct from actual ones, how unspecified actants can take on characteristics of (virtual) human agents, and how virtual agents assume various actorial roles. Along the way, Hatten demonstratessome of the musical means by which composer...

Vindicating the Commercial Republic The Federalist on Union, Enterprise, and War【電子書籍】[ Anthony A. Peacock ]
Vindicating the Commercial Republic The Federalist on Union, Enterprise, and War【電子書籍】[ Anthony A. Peacock ]
¥ 7,003 送料無料: 6,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Contrary to most academic commentary on <em>The Federalist</em>, this book contends thatthe most significant teachings of the work did not have to do with the institutions of government so much as with the non-institutional features of American constitutionalism, specifically its advocacy for greater union, the development of an unparalleled culture of enterprise, and provision for war. Key to understanding why these features were so critical to <em>The Federalist</em> is the work’s rejection of classical liberalism’s orthodoxy that commercial republics were moderateor pacific in nature rather than spirited, enterprising, and warlike. Using the ancient historian Thucydides account of the daring, innovation, and restlessness of ancient commercial Athens as an interpretive guide for the commercial republican theory that <em>The Federalist</em> embraces, this book provides a sweeping reinterpretation of American...

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