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LMHG エヴァンゲリオンプロト零号機 (新世紀エヴァンゲリオン)
LMHG エヴァンゲリオンプロト零号機 (新世紀エヴァンゲリオン)
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
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Unitek 多機能スマホスタンド タブレットスタンド Android・iPhone・iPad・kindle・タブレット 複数台対応 クレードル ス
Unitek 多機能スマホスタンド タブレットスタンド Android・iPhone・iPad・kindle・タブレット 複数台対応 クレードル ス
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
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ウェイトトレーニング 実践編 山本義徳 本・書籍
ウェイトトレーニング 実践編 山本義徳 本・書籍
【ネクパブPODアワード2019 審査員特別賞受賞!】 各部位における有効なエクササイズとそのやり方について紹介するとともに、筆者が最適解と考える部位別プログラムを各章の最後に記しておきました。 この書は電子書籍として発刊された「部位別トレーニング法 -胸と背中、腹編-」と「部位別トレーニング法 -肩と腕、脚編-」をまとめ、加筆修正したものです。 出版社:NextPublishing Authors Press 発売日:2018/11/1 全204ページ ※この本はオンデマンドで作成・印刷されています。

School for the Age of Upheaval Classrooms That Get Personal, Get Political, and Get to Work【電子書籍】[ T. Elijah Hawkes ]
School for the Age of Upheaval Classrooms That Get Personal, Get Political, and Get to Work【電子書籍】[ T. Elijah Hawkes ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Young people today know trouble from a host of sources: poverty, sexism and racism; the storms of a climate in turmoil; the loss of loved-ones to incarceration, addiction and suicide. This book is about the role that teachers can play in helping our young people transcend these troubles, honor the pain they feel, and channel their aggression in productive directions. But counseling and anti-bullying programs are not enough. The key is to open up the very content of the curriculum to the emotional life of the whole child.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Researcher Coach A Personal Guide to the Research Journey【電子書籍】[ Ximena P. Suarez-Sousa ]
Researcher Coach A Personal Guide to the Research Journey【電子書籍】[ Ximena P. Suarez-Sousa ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Researcher Coach has been written with a sole purpose in mind: to give researchers sufficient theoretical and practical support so that they gain a sense of self-direction and autonomy in the process of formulating and conducting their research. From the core notions of paradigm, ontology, epistemology, axiology, methodology, methods, and research questions; researchers are guided through the fundamental elements involved in planning and executing their research. This book is not only concerned with supporting researchers in the process of formulating a valid and sound inquiry that is viable and methodologically rigorous, but it also emphasizes the importance of community impact. The reader will learn how to conduct the literature review that grounds their inquiry as well as provides context and justification for the execution of the study. Qualitative and quantitative methodologies, including methods and data analysis tec...

The 12-Hour Film Expert Everything You Need to Know about Movies【電子書籍】[ Noah Charney ]
The 12-Hour Film Expert Everything You Need to Know about Movies【電子書籍】[ Noah Charney ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>The only book you need to become an expert on film history, technique, and appreciation.</strong></p> <p>If you are looking at this book, then you probably love watching movies and television shows. Who doesn’t? But most of us do so as passive entertainmentーto winddown, relax, and escape into alternative worlds. Pay close attention though, and you can enhance your movie-watching experience and deepen your appreciation for the art of film. This book will show you how.</p> <p>In <em>The 12-Hour Film Expert</em>, Noah Charney and James Charney offer readers all they need to know about how films are made and how to watch them in a more thoughtful way. Through twelve chapters covering a wide array of genres and periods, the authors highlight key films in each area of focus and explore important figures and more recent films to help readers develop their core understanding of films, ranging from comedies...

L'enseignement de Las Vegas ou Le symbolisme oubli? de la forme architecturale【電子書籍】[ Robert Venturi ]
L'enseignement de Las Vegas ou Le symbolisme oubli? de la forme architecturale【電子書籍】[ Robert Venturi ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Un ouvrage de r?f?rence dans le monde de l'architecture.</strong></p> <p>Publi? par un couple de jeunes architectes et enseignants qui y sonnent la r?volte, <em>Learning from Las Vegas</em> cristallise les d?bats dans le milieu architectural am?ricain du d?but des ann?es soixante-dix. Aux constructions imaginaires d'un monde meilleur, l'ouvrage oppose l'observation de la r?alit?, faisant de la ville existante - ici Las Vegas - un mod?le ? reproduire, imiter, ou parodier. Il rompt ainsi brutalement avec l'id?ologie moderniste o? la cr?ation architecturale ou urbanistique suppose une tabula rasa, une page blanche, ouvrant la voie ? bien des ?crits d'architectes qui, depuis, ont invers? le rapport entre th?orie et r?el.<br /> Derri?re le questionnement de l'utopie surgit une mise en cause de l'arrogance ? laquelle se laissent aller parfois les architectes. <em>Learning from Las Vegas</em>, plaidoyer ...

Imports, Exports, and the American Worker【電子書籍】
Imports, Exports, and the American Worker【電子書籍】
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Will technological improvement and growth in the rest of the world cause a decline in American living standards? Can government policy in Japan and Western Europe limit the availability of high- wage jobs in America? Does expanding trade with Mexico and other developing countries with large numbers of inexpensive workers imply a continuing decline in wages for low-skilled American workers? These questions express a widespread concern about potential negative effects of import competition on domestic labor markets, but ignore potential gains to U.S. workers from exports abroad. Through U.S. exports, the rest of the world is an increasingly large indirect employer of U.S. workers, and through imports, foreign labor is an increasingly important potential substitute for U.S. workers. Bringing together the often diverse perspectives of international economists, labor economists, and policymakers, this volume analyzes how intern...

Religious Liberty and Education A Case Study of Yeshivas vs. New York【電子書籍】[ Jason Bedrick ]
Religious Liberty and Education A Case Study of Yeshivas vs. New York【電子書籍】[ Jason Bedrick ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Over the last few years, Orthodox Jewish private schools, also known as yeshivas, have been under fire by a group of activists known as Young Advocates for Fair Education, run by several yeshiva graduates, who have criticized them for providing an inadequate secular education.</p> <p>At the heart of the yeshiva controversy lies two important interests in education: the right of the parent to choose an appropriate education, which may include values-laden religious education, and the right of each child to receive an appropriate education, as guaranteed by the state. These interests raise further questions. If preference is given to the former, how much freedom should be given to a parent in choosing an appropriate education? If the latter, how does the state define what constitutes an appropriate education or measure the extent to which an appropriate education has been achieved? And when canーor mustーthe state override...

Engage, Empower, Energize Leading Tomorrow's Schools Today【電子書籍】[ Robert Dillon ]
Engage, Empower, Energize Leading Tomorrow's Schools Today【電子書籍】[ Robert Dillon ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>In an era of high stakes accountability, testing, and standardization in education, Dr. Robert Dillon attempts to bring the student back into the center of the learning. This book is ideal for school leaders and teacher leaders that are searching for a new way to inject fresh energy and ideasinto their learning spaces. By placing student engagement and the joy of learning into the center of the conversation, Dr. Dillon is able to showcase how providing students with choice, voice, and authentic audience can allow deeper learning to occur. Throughout the book, readers have the opportunity to journey with a principal as he regains his footing as a leader and begins to moving away from the inertia to just manage his school. In parallel, readers will be presented with ten proven strategies for bringing the quality of learning to their learning spaces that students, teachers, parents,and a community can truly celebrate. Dr. Dil...

La nouvelle gestion de soi Ce qu'il faut faire pour vivre mieux【電子書籍】[ Jacques Van Rillaer ]
La nouvelle gestion de soi Ce qu'il faut faire pour vivre mieux【電子書籍】[ Jacques Van Rillaer ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Conseils pratiques et exercices pour apprendre ? g?rer et r?guler vos ?motions.</strong></p> <p>Notre bonheur et notre contribution ? celui des autres d?pendent, pour une large part, de notre aptitude ? g?rer efficacement nos ?motions, nos impulsions et nos actions. Cette aptitude n’est pas une entit? myst?rieuse, la volont?, que certains poss?deraient et d’autres pas. Elle r?sulte d’un ensemble de comportements que chacun apprend d?s l’enfance et qu’il peut continuer ? d?velopper ? l’?ge adulte.</p> <p>Pour apprendre ? bien se g?rer, il n’est pas n?cessaire de faire de longues ?tudes de psychologie, mais il est tr?s utile, voire indispensable, de comprendre certains processus psychologiques. L’ouvrage pr?sente les informations qui facilitent la modification d’habitudes n?fastes, le changement de sch?mas de pens?e, le contr?le d’impulsions dangereuses, la confrontation avec des situations stre...

Preparing Effective Lessons A Unit Planning Guide and Grade Book【電子書籍】[ Andrea L. Ray ]
Preparing Effective Lessons A Unit Planning Guide and Grade Book【電子書籍】[ Andrea L. Ray ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Forget waiting for the district, state, or national test to find out how your instruction impacts student outcomes. If you are ready to ー rethink how you plan lessons and measure student learning outcomes this planning guide is for you. Did you ever wonder why the process of linking your lesson plans to student outcomes remains shrouded in mystery?</p> <p>This eye-opening planning guide rips off that shroud and exposes the links for all to see. There is a way for you to link instruction to student outcomes and this planning guide provides access to that process. The easy-to-follow guide leads you through the steps for developing lesson plans that link instruction with student learning.</p> <p>This step-by-step guide exposes seven diverse types of links from pre-planning through summative assessment. They are:</p> <ul> <li> <p>Reflections on how-todevelop, change, or improve your practice</p> </li> <li...

Parallel Python with Dask【電子書籍】[ Tim Peters ]
Parallel Python with Dask【電子書籍】[ Tim Peters ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Unlock the Power of Parallel Python with Dask: A Perfect Learning Guide for Aspiring Data Scientists</strong></p> <p>Dask has revolutionized parallel computing for Python, empowering data scientists to accelerate their workflows. This comprehensive guide unravels the intricacies of Dask to help you harness its capabilities for machine learning and data analysis. Across 10 chapters, you'll master Dask's fundamentals, architecture, and integration with Python's scientific computing ecosystem. Step-by-step tutorials demonstrate parallel mapping, task scheduling, andleveraging Dask arrays for NumPy workloads. You'll discover how Dask seamlessly scales Pandas, Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, and other libraries for large datasets.</p> <p>Dedicated chapters explore scaling regression, classification, hyperparameter tuning, feature engineering, and more with clearexamples. You'll also learn to tap into the power of GPU...

Nutrition 101: Fueling Your Body for a Healthier You【電子書籍】[ Dale Cathcart ]
Nutrition 101: Fueling Your Body for a Healthier You【電子書籍】[ Dale Cathcart ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>What is Nutrition? Nutrition is the science that deals with the relationship between food and the human body. It encompasses the study of how our bodies use nutrients from the foods we consume to support growth, development, and overall well-being. Nutrition is not just about what we eat but also about how our bodies process and utilize those nutrients.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Forget Dieting! It's All about Data-Driven Fueling【電子書籍】[ Candice P. Rosen ]
Forget Dieting! It's All about Data-Driven Fueling【電子書籍】[ Candice P. Rosen ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>You don’t need to starve yourself to achieve a healthy weight. Candice Rosen invites you to tap into your own knowledge of how your body works to monitor your sugar levels and discover the sweet spot for your own nutritional needs. Weight comes off and energy spikes to new levels using her method!</p> <p>Forget Dieting! eliminates the guesswork from weight loss and guides readers to improved health by teaching how to gather intel from your individual body to properly Data Fuel. By either using Rosen’s “tune in” technique or a glucometer, one listens to the body’s voiceabout whether what you just ate was healthy or unhealthy for you.</p> <p>Ultimately, pancreatic health is the essence of the program. Keeping your blood sugar level in check by testing or “tuning in” ninety minutes after you eat a meal or a snack is the key to leaving dieting behind forgood. The weight drops off, health improves, sleep deepens,...

The Black Athlete Revolt The Sport Justice Movement in the Age of #BlackLivesMatter【電子書籍】[ Shaun M. Anderson ]
The Black Athlete Revolt The Sport Justice Movement in the Age of #BlackLivesMatter【電子書籍】[ Shaun M. Anderson ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>A timely and significant examination of how Black athletes have used their influence to create meaningful change and reform for Black Americans.</p> <p>In the age of social media, athletes have a powerful influence like never before. Many Black athletes have used that power in positive ways, galvanizing their platforms to create impactful educational opportunities, donate to Black social causes, and raise political awareness on important issues.</p> <p>In The Black Athlete Revolt: The Sport Justice Movement in the Age of #BlackLivesMatter, Shaun M. Anderson examines the Black athlete’s rise in advocating for social justice and how today’s athletes have moved beyond protesting to create substantial change for Black Americans. Anderson reflects on the history and evolution of Black athlete activism, breaking down its importance during the civil rights movement, the commodification of athletes during the 1990s, and ...

Resistant Students Reach Me Before You Teach Me【電子書籍】[ Mary Skvorak ]
Resistant Students Reach Me Before You Teach Me【電子書籍】[ Mary Skvorak ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Resistant Learners: Reach Me Before You Teach Me focuses on those students whose behavior limits their learning and challenges their teachers while perhaps interrupting the learning cycle of their peers. Each chapter explains the theoretical and research background for each topic. Most importantly, each chapter satisfies the intentional design of the book ? to offer situational examples and dialog that clearly shows how building trusting relationships can happen and how making positive personal connections with students might actually look. Practicing teachers, pre-service teachers, teacher educators, professional development staff and school administrators who represent the field of education as caring professionals will benefit from this book.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Common Core State Standards for Grade 6 Language Arts Instructional Strategies and Activities【電子書籍】[ Michelle Manville ]
Common Core State Standards for Grade 6 Language Arts Instructional Strategies and Activities【電子書籍】[ Michelle Manville ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Common Core State Standards for Grade 6: Language Arts Instructional Strategies and Activities is designed to help teachers address Common Core standards using research-based, effective instructional strategies in combination with ready-to-use activities. These strategies include identifying similarities and differences, writing summaries and taking notes, creating non-linguistic representations, and suggestions for homework and practice. There are a variety of suggested texts as well as identified text exemplars that can easily be used with the strategies and activities.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Miracle of The Music Man The Classic American Story of Meredith Willson【電子書籍】[ Mark Cabaniss ]
Miracle of The Music Man The Classic American Story of Meredith Willson【電子書籍】[ Mark Cabaniss ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The Music Man stands as one of the greatest achievements in American musical theatre, but few know about its rocky beginnings and the against-all-odds success story of its creator Meredith Willson.</p> <p>Mark Cabaniss steps back into the Golden Age of Broadway and brings to life the origins of this classic show, the music behind it, and the unlikely story of its creator. Interweaving behind-the-scenes accounts of people who worked with Willson, Cabaniss looks at his long and unusual career as a composer, conductor, radio personality, and flutist, which reached its pinnacle in The Music Man.</p> <p>No one initially believed in Willson’s “Valentine to Iowa,” seeing it as nothing but a corny flop or, worse, a recipe for disaster. But when the curtain fell on opening night, a star called The Music Man was born. Over 65 years later, that star is still marching right to this day, endeared by millions around the world...

Vademecum de l'assurance des particuliers 4e ?dition【電子書籍】[ Francis No?l ]
Vademecum de l'assurance des particuliers 4e ?dition【電子書籍】[ Francis No?l ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Un aide-m?moire qui d?taille les fondamentaux de l'indemnisation</strong></p> <p>L'ouvrage pr?sente de fa?on concr?te l'ensemble des risques et leurs principes indemnitaires, qu'il s'agisse de la responsabilit? civile, des ?v?nements concern?s, du contenu des contrats ou des formalit?s li?es aux sinistres. En effet, l’assurance se d?finit comme une op?ration par laquelle un assureur s’engage ? r?aliser une prestation, dans le cadre d’un contrat d’assurance, au profit de l’assur? lors de la survenance d’un risque et moyennant le paiement d’une cotisation ou d’une prime.<br /> Le risque constitue alors l’objet de l’assurance. Il s’agit l? d’une mati?re vaste et complexe, qui regorge de subtilit?s et de conditions.</p> <p>Le Vademecum de l’assurance : march? des particuliers d?taille ainsi l’ensemble des risques, c’est-?-dire le risque automobile et son indemnisation, le risque incendie et...

Music Career Advising A Guide for Students, Parents, and Teachers【電子書籍】[ Eric Branscome ]
Music Career Advising A Guide for Students, Parents, and Teachers【電子書籍】[ Eric Branscome ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>As students begin finalizing college and career decisions, they are faced with tough choices that impact the next 2 to 42 years of their lives. While career decisions can be challenging for anyone, they seem more difficult for students who are considering careers in music. Although there are many viable music career options, there is considerable uncertainty regarding the types of jobs available, and the skills and other traits that help student musicians determine if they will be a good fit in their chosen careers. As a result, music students commonly feel lost regarding music career decisions, turning to parents and teachers who feel just as ill-equipped to provide insight.</p> <p>Music Career Advising: A Guide for Parents Students and Teachers answers the most common music career questions through research-based career advising strategies, a comprehensive inventory of music careers, bibliography of print and on-line...

Putting Students First A Game Plan for Personalizing Learning【電子書籍】[ Marsha Jones ]
Putting Students First A Game Plan for Personalizing Learning【電子書籍】[ Marsha Jones ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>This book is part memoir and part history, sharing the story of what is possible when like-minded educators work together to address radical change. The narrative, written by one who lived it, shares the journey of the district, the experts who helped guide them and the practical applicationsthat are in place to support the concept of personalization of learning.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Unrelenting Change, Innovation, and Risk Forging the Next Generation of Community Colleges【電子書籍】[ Daniel J. Phelan PhD, President and CEO, Jackson College; 2017 Chair of Board of Directors of Ame ]
Unrelenting Change, Innovation, and Risk Forging the Next Generation of Community Colleges【電子書籍】[ Daniel J. Phelan PhD, President and CEO, Jackson College; 2017 Chair of Board of Directors of Ame ]
¥ 4,500 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Arguably, the nation’s community colleges have experienced more change in the last several years than they have over the prior 115 years of their existence. Rapid changes in technology, external pressures for accountability and student completion, aggressive competition from other higher education institutions (i.e., public, for-profit, and private), changes in enrollment demographics, as well as new economic, market, and operational models stand to completely disrupt this relatively young enterprise.</p> <p>Unrelenting Change provides useful, practical examples for community college leaders as they seek to thoughtfully and strategically align their organization for the new dynamic in higher education. Furthermore, Unrelenting Change offers insights into the change process, including institutional assessment and readiness, consideration of cultural implications, strategic intentions toward innovation, as well as risk,...

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型番: MINI6
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likebook/Meebook 電子書籍リーダー用のアクティブ容量性ペン(モデル:P78 Pro / P10 Pro)
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電磁理論 電子情報通信学会大学シリーズ B- 1 Book
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ご注文後のキャンセル・返品は承れません。 発売日:2001年07月/商品ID:6105970/ジャンル:DOMESTIC BOOKS/フォーマット:Book/構成数:1/レーベル:コロナ社/タイトル:電磁理論 電子情報通信学会大学シリーズ B- 1/タイトルカナ:デンジ リロン デンシ ジヨウホウ ツウシン ガツカイ ダイガク シリーズ B 1

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Fintie for Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 第10世代 ケース 軽量 薄型 オートスリープ機能付き Kindle Paperwhite 2018 Newモデル 第10?
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対応機種: 2018年に発売のAmazon Kindle Paperwhite Newモデル 第10世代だけ対応です!! (ご注意:2018年以前発売のモデルとマンガモデルに対応できません。) カバー外側は高級PU合成レザー、想像以上に素敵でテンション上がったと好評して頂いている、軽量薄型で高級感のあふれる仕様となっております。 カバー内部材質はマイクロファイバーで、摩擦によって発生する傷を抑える、液晶に最高の保護です。 マグネットが付いているので、オートスリープが行われ、On/Off機能はボタンを押さなくてもすぐに使用できます。 人間工学に基づいた機能設計、ケースに装着したままでも高い操作性を確保!すべての機能ボタンにアクセス可能です。

Fintie for Kindle Paperwhite ケース Kindle Paperwhite 第11世代 / Paperwhite シグニチャー エディション  第11世代  2021年発売 6.
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¥ 4,514 送料無料: 4,000円〜
【対応機種】 Kindle Paperwhite シグニチャー エディション (第11世代) - 2021年発売、Kindle Paperwhite (第11世代) - 2021年発売 6.8インチ専用保護ケース、カバー。(ご注意:Kindle Paperwhiteほかのモデルに対応していませんので、ご注文前に、お手元の機種をご確認をお願い申し上げます。) カバー外側は高級PU合成レザー、想像以上に素敵でテンション上がったと好評して頂いている、軽量薄型で高級感のあふれる仕様となっております。 カバー内部材質はマイクロファイバーで、摩擦によって発生する傷を抑える、液晶に最高の保護です。 マグネットが付いているので、オートスリープが行われ、On/Off機能はボタンを押さなくてもすぐに使用できます。 人間工学に基づいた機能設計、ケースに装着したままでも高い操作性を確保!すべての機能ボタンにアクセス可能です。

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"[マルイ]ネオプレン 2WAY ショルダーバッグ ハンドバッグ Sサイズ/プーペ(PUPE) グレー"
¥ 13,200 : 11,500円〜
CC006629340102 "ショルダーバッグ・メッセンジャーバッグ [型番:PUPE-NEOPRENE-S]22AW新色追加ウェットスーツ素材の軽量2WAYショルダーバッグトート&ハンドバッグウェットスーツにも使用されるネオプレーン素材を採用し、丸洗いも可能で衛生的。マザーバッグから、ワンマイル、お仕事使いまで様々なシーンにもマッチするアイテムは、シンプルなデザインで機能的、さらに軽量なので大変便利です。ネオプレーン素材は、肌触りがよく、軽くて柔らかく、クッション性の高い素材であるため、長時間の使用でもストレスになりません。またシワがつきにくく型崩れもしにくい素材となっています。柔らかい素材感で折りたたむことができるので収納場所にも困りません。リュックに入るサイズに折り畳めるので、旅行等のセカンドバックとしても活躍します。重さはおよそ400g、iPadや手帳、折りたたみ傘などがすっぽり収まってくれるサイズ感です。ネオプレン特有のクッション性で守ってくれるので、外出先でも電子書籍などを気軽に持ち運びたい方などにオススメです。 ネオプレン/ナイロン"

"[マルイ]ネオプレン 2WAY ショルダーバッグ ハンドバッグ Sサイズ/プーペ(PUPE) ホワイト"
¥ 13,200 : 11,500円〜
CC006629340103 "ショルダーバッグ・メッセンジャーバッグ [型番:PUPE-NEOPRENE-S]22AW新色追加ウェットスーツ素材の軽量2WAYショルダーバッグトート&ハンドバッグウェットスーツにも使用されるネオプレーン素材を採用し、丸洗いも可能で衛生的。マザーバッグから、ワンマイル、お仕事使いまで様々なシーンにもマッチするアイテムは、シンプルなデザインで機能的、さらに軽量なので大変便利です。ネオプレーン素材は、肌触りがよく、軽くて柔らかく、クッション性の高い素材であるため、長時間の使用でもストレスになりません。またシワがつきにくく型崩れもしにくい素材となっています。柔らかい素材感で折りたたむことができるので収納場所にも困りません。リュックに入るサイズに折り畳めるので、旅行等のセカンドバックとしても活躍します。重さはおよそ400g、iPadや手帳、折りたたみ傘などがすっぽり収まってくれるサイズ感です。ネオプレン特有のクッション性で守ってくれるので、外出先でも電子書籍などを気軽に持ち運びたい方などにオススメです。 ネオプレン/ナイロン"

"[マルイ]ネオプレン 2WAY ショルダーバッグ ハンドバッグ Sサイズ/プーペ(PUPE) ブラウン"
¥ 13,200 : 11,500円〜
CC006629340104 "ショルダーバッグ・メッセンジャーバッグ [型番:PUPE-NEOPRENE-S]22AW新色追加ウェットスーツ素材の軽量2WAYショルダーバッグトート&ハンドバッグウェットスーツにも使用されるネオプレーン素材を採用し、丸洗いも可能で衛生的。マザーバッグから、ワンマイル、お仕事使いまで様々なシーンにもマッチするアイテムは、シンプルなデザインで機能的、さらに軽量なので大変便利です。ネオプレーン素材は、肌触りがよく、軽くて柔らかく、クッション性の高い素材であるため、長時間の使用でもストレスになりません。またシワがつきにくく型崩れもしにくい素材となっています。柔らかい素材感で折りたたむことができるので収納場所にも困りません。リュックに入るサイズに折り畳めるので、旅行等のセカンドバックとしても活躍します。重さはおよそ400g、iPadや手帳、折りたたみ傘などがすっぽり収まってくれるサイズ感です。ネオプレン特有のクッション性で守ってくれるので、外出先でも電子書籍などを気軽に持ち運びたい方などにオススメです。 ネオプレン/ナイロン"

"[マルイ]ネオプレン 2WAY ショルダーバッグ ハンドバッグ Sサイズ/プーペ(PUPE) ピンク"
¥ 13,200 : 11,500円〜
CC006629340105 "ショルダーバッグ・メッセンジャーバッグ [型番:PUPE-NEOPRENE-S]22AW新色追加ウェットスーツ素材の軽量2WAYショルダーバッグトート&ハンドバッグウェットスーツにも使用されるネオプレーン素材を採用し、丸洗いも可能で衛生的。マザーバッグから、ワンマイル、お仕事使いまで様々なシーンにもマッチするアイテムは、シンプルなデザインで機能的、さらに軽量なので大変便利です。ネオプレーン素材は、肌触りがよく、軽くて柔らかく、クッション性の高い素材であるため、長時間の使用でもストレスになりません。またシワがつきにくく型崩れもしにくい素材となっています。柔らかい素材感で折りたたむことができるので収納場所にも困りません。リュックに入るサイズに折り畳めるので、旅行等のセカンドバックとしても活躍します。重さはおよそ400g、iPadや手帳、折りたたみ傘などがすっぽり収まってくれるサイズ感です。ネオプレン特有のクッション性で守ってくれるので、外出先でも電子書籍などを気軽に持ち運びたい方などにオススメです。 ネオプレン/ナイロン"

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