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7,000 9,289 40,920
Futur」の総点数(19,602): Yahoo!ショッピングショ: (-), 楽天市場市: (19,417), その他のマーケットA他A: (183), その他のマーケット他B: (2) から 21点を表示しています。
価格、在庫状況などの更新日時: 2024年04月28日 17時49分39秒 (1.98s)
MG 1/100 RX-78-2 ガンダム Ver.3.0(リサーキュレーションカラー/ネオングリーン) 「機動戦士ガンダム」 UNDAM NEXT FUTURE 限定
MG 1/100 RX-78-2 ガンダム Ver.3.0(リサーキュレーションカラー/ネオングリーン) 「機動戦士ガンダム」 UNDAM NEXT FUTURE 限定 "エコプラ プロジェクト"【中古】[☆3]
型番: RX-78-2
【中古一般フィギュア】未組立品。【JAN:4573102629593】【メーカー:バンダイナムコ】【関連キーワード:中古一般フィギュア ガンダム 市販フィギュア GUNDAM】中古★3【状態:普通】リバティ鑑定倶楽部王子店 で店頭販売している在庫を発送します

FUTUR フューチャーTシャツ・カットソー メンズ【中古】【古着】
FUTUR フューチャーTシャツ・カットソー メンズ【中古】【古着】
型番: R20231217
≪Tシャツ・カットソー≫タイプ メンズ 商品番号 2200402203087r20231217 コンディション ランク: B カラー 紺 サイズ M 実寸(cm) 身幅:48.5cm,肩幅:45.5cm,袖丈:23cm,着丈:71cm 素材 ポリエステル100% 原産国 ポルトガル その他詳細 シーズン:春夏 ポケット:なし 透け感:なし 生地の厚さ:普通 裏地:なし 伸縮性:あり 光沢:なし 開閉:無し

FUTUR フューチャーパーカー メンズ【中古】【古着】
FUTUR フューチャーパーカー メンズ【中古】【古着】
型番: R20240331
≪Tシャツ・カットソー≫タイプ メンズ 商品番号 2200432756010r20240331 コンディション ランク: B カラー ライトグレー サイズ L 実寸(cm) 身幅:60cm,肩幅:60cm,袖丈:58cm,着丈:64cm 素材 綿100% 原産国 ポルトガル その他詳細 シーズン:秋冬 ポケット:あり 外ポケット:1 透け感:なし 生地の厚さ:普通 裏地:なし 伸縮性:あり 光沢:なし 開閉:無し 袖丈:長袖 柄:無地

【中古】May J. Budokan Live 2015 〜Live to the Future〜(DVD3枚組)
【中古】May J. Budokan Live 2015 〜Live to the Future〜(DVD3枚組)
型番: DVD3
【中古】May J. Budokan Live 2015 〜Live to the Future〜(DVD3枚組)【メーカー名】rhythm zone【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】Rhythm Zone【商品説明】May J. Budokan Live 2015 〜Live to the Future〜(DVD3枚組)当店では初期不良に限り、商品到着から7日間は返品をお受けいたします。イメージと違う、必要でなくなった等、お客様都合のキャンセル・返品は一切お受けしておりません。中古品の場合、基本的に説明書・外箱・ドライバーインストール用のCD-ROMはついておりません。商品名に「限定」「保証」等の記載がある場合でも特典や保証・ダウンロードコードは付いておりません。写真は代表画像であり実際にお届けする商品の状態とは異なる場合があります。掲載と付属品が異なる場合は受注前に内容確認メールをお送りします。中古品の場合は中古の特性上、キズ・汚れがある場合があります。レンタル落ち商品は収納BOXや特典類など一切の付属品はありません他モール併売のため、万が一お品切れの場合はご連絡致します。ご注文からお届けまで1.ご注文  ご注文は24時間受け付けております2.注文確認  ご注文後、注文確認メールを送信します3.在庫確認     多モールでも併売の為、在庫切れの場合はご連絡させ...

The Future of Christian Realism International Conflict, Political Decay, and the Crisis of Democracy【電子書籍】[ Nigel Biggar ]
The Future of Christian Realism International Conflict, Political Decay, and the Crisis of Democracy【電子書籍】[ Nigel Biggar ]
¥ 7,003 送料無料: 6,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>In the world’s most developed democracies, anxiety about the future of democracy is palpable. The tension between moral aspiration and moral despair has reached a point of crisis. Christian realism arose during a similar time of crisis, when Reinhold Niebuhr used the insights of the Christian tradition to interpret the clash between democracy and totalitarianism.</p> <p>Beginning with Robin Lovin’s account of Christian realism as a nuanced blend of theological, moral, and political realisms, The Future of Christian Realism addresses fundamental topics in theology, ethics, and politics. The contributors come from different traditions, span five continents, and together present a case for the continuing relevance of Christian realism. By paying close attention to many of the most pressing moral challenges facing societies today, the authors illustrate and evaluate the enduring relevance of Christian realism.</p>画面...

Secessionism and the European Union The Future of Flanders, Scotland, and Catalonia【電子書籍】[ Glen M.E. Duerr ]
Secessionism and the European Union The Future of Flanders, Scotland, and Catalonia【電子書籍】[ Glen M.E. Duerr ]
¥ 7,003 送料無料: 6,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Secessionist (also called, nationalist, or pro-independence) political parties exist in many countries in the developed world; they raiseーand then spendーa lot of money, win votes in elections, and their elected officials serve in seats in local, regional, and national parliaments. Yet, despite all of this effort, there has not been a successful case of secession since 1921 when the Irish Free State effectively seceded from the United Kingdom (UK). Perhaps the biggest issue is that these secessionist political parties have rarely been popular enough to form a government even amongst their core ethnic group. This is further compounded by the fact that secessionist parties have historically been unable to win support from immigrants or people outside their core ethnic and/or linguistic group. Given this context, four central questions are posed in this study including: whetherーand also whyーany of the secessionist parties have...

Rampage Violence Narratives What Fictional Accounts of School Shootings Say about the Future of America’s Youth【電子書籍】[ Kathryn E. Linder ]
Rampage Violence Narratives What Fictional Accounts of School Shootings Say about the Future of America’s Youth【電子書籍】[ Kathryn E. Linder ]
¥ 7,003 送料無料: 6,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Springfield. Columbine. Sandy Hook. Each school shooting in the United States is followed by a series of questions. Why does this happen? Who are the shooters? How can this be prevented? Along with parents, school officials, media outlets, and scholars, popular culture has also attempted to respond to these questions through a variety of fictional portrayals of rampage violence. Rampage Violence Narratives: What Fictional Accounts of Rampage Violence Say about the Future of America’s Youth offers a detailed look at the state of youth identity in American cultural representations of youth violence through an extended analysis of over forty primary sources of fictional narratives of urban and suburban/rural school violence. Representations of suburban and rural school shootings that are modeled after real-life events serve to shape popular understandings of the relationship between education and American identity, the limin...

Posthumanity Thinking Philosophically About the Future【電子書籍】[ Brian Cooney ]
Posthumanity Thinking Philosophically About the Future【電子書籍】[ Brian Cooney ]
¥ 7,003 送料無料: 6,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>In Posthumanity, Brian Cooney examines this philosophically turbulent era, in which the products of our latest technology will include a new kind of reality, new kinds of minds, and new sorts of bodies for those minds. Until now, major technological innovations have always had an important effect on human history. But our newest technology will alter the human animal to such an extent that the next era could end up being posthuman. Posthumanity introduces key concepts in philosophy in a creative and provocative manner guaranteed to engage the attention of first-year students and other newcomers to the study of philosophy. Using examples from films, television, and science fiction, Cooney advances a fascinating and original argument about technology while simultaneously acquainting students with the foundations of philosophy.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。...

Afrofuturism in Black Panther Gender, Identity, and the Re-Making of Blackness【電子書籍】[ Cynthia Baron ]
Afrofuturism in Black Panther Gender, Identity, and the Re-Making of Blackness【電子書籍】[ Cynthia Baron ]
¥ 7,003 送料無料: 6,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Afrofuturism in Black Panther: Gender, Identity, and the Re-making of Blackness, through an interdisciplinary and intersectional analysis of Black Panther, discusses the importance of superheroes and the ways in which they are especially important to Black fans. Aside from its global box office success, Black Panther paves the way for future superhero narratives due to its underlying philosophy to base the story on a narrative that is reliant on Afro-futurism. The film’s storyline, the book posits, leads viewers to think about relevant real-world social questions as it taps into the cultural zeitgeist in an indelible way. Contributors to this collection approach Black Panther not only as a film, but also as Afrofuturist imaginings of an African nation untouched by colonialism and antiblack racism: the film is a map to alternate states of being, an introduction to the African Diaspora, a treatise on liberation and racial j...

The Politics of Virtue Post-Liberalism and the Human Future【電子書籍】[ John Milbank ]
The Politics of Virtue Post-Liberalism and the Human Future【電子書籍】[ John Milbank ]
¥ 7,003 送料無料: 6,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Contemporary politics is dominated by a liberal creed that champions ‘negative liberty’ and individual happiness. This creed undergirds positions on both the right and the left ? free-market capitalism, state bureaucracy and individualism in social life. The triumph of liberalism has had the effect of subordinating human association and the common good to narrow self-interest and short-term utility. By contrast, post-liberalism promotes individual fulfilment and mutual flourishing based on shared goals that have more substantive content than the formal abstractions of liberal law and contract, and yet are also adaptable to different cultural and local traditions.</p> <p>In this important book, John Milbank and Adrian Pabst apply this analysis to the economy, politics, culture, and international affairs. In each case, having diagnosed the crisis of liberalism, they propose post-liberal alternatives, notably new concep...

Afrofuturism 2.0 The Rise of Astro-Blackness【電子書籍】[ Esther Jones ]
Afrofuturism 2.0 The Rise of Astro-Blackness【電子書籍】[ Esther Jones ]
¥ 7,003 送料無料: 6,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The ideas and practices related to afrofuturism have existed for most of the 20th century, especially in the north American African diaspora community. After Mark Dery coined the word "afrofuturism" in 1993, Alondra Nelson as a member of an online forum, along with other participants, began to explore the initial terrain and intellectual underpinnings of the concept noting that “AfroFuturism has emerged as a term of convenience to describe analysis, criticism and cultural production that addresses the intersections between race and technology.” <em>Afrofuturism 2.0: The Rise of Astroblackness</em> represents a transition from previous ideas related to afrofuturism that were formed in the late 20th century around issues of the digital divide, music and literature. <em>Afrofuturism 2.0</em> expands and broadens the discussion around the concept to include religion, architecture, communications, visual art...

The Future of Meat Without Animals【電子書籍】
The Future of Meat Without Animals【電子書籍】
¥ 7,003 送料無料: 6,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Plant-based and cell-cultured meat, milk, and egg producers aim to replace industrial food production with animal-free fare that tastes better, costs less, and requires a fraction of the energy inputs. These products are no longer relegated to niche markets for ethical vegetarians, but are heavily funded by private investors betting on meat without animals as mass-market, environmentally feasible alternatives that can be scaled for a growing global population.</p> <p>This volume examines conceptual and cultural opportunities, entanglements, and pitfalls in moving global meat, egg, and dairy consumption toward these animal-free options. Beyond surface tensions of “meatless meat” and “animal-free flesh,” deeper conflicts proliferate around naturalized accounts of human identity and meat consumption, as well as the linkage of protein with colonial power and gender oppression. What visions and technologies can disrupt ...

Preventing the Next Mortgage Crisis The Meltdown, the Federal Response, and the Future of Housing in America【電子書籍】[ Dan Immergluck ]
Preventing the Next Mortgage Crisis The Meltdown, the Federal Response, and the Future of Housing in America【電子書籍】[ Dan Immergluck ]
¥ 7,003 送料無料: 6,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The great U.S. mortgage crisis was a transformative event that will reverberate for decades across families, neighborhoods, and cities. After years of research on various aspects of the crisis, Dan Immergluck examines what went wrong, identifying the factors that created the fragile housing finance system, which provided fertile ground for calamity. He also examines the federal response to the crisis, including who benefitted most from the response, and how a more effective and fair response could have been formulated. To reduce the incidence of future crises, Immergluck provides a pathway for building a more stable and fair housing finance system that would be less vulnerable to the booms and busts of global finance. Housing finance helps determine access to stable, decent-quality, affordable housing and also affects the geography of housing and educational opportunities. Thus, housing markets shape our communities, our n...

Theorizing Justice Critical Insights and Future Directions【電子書籍】
Theorizing Justice Critical Insights and Future Directions【電子書籍】
¥ 7,003 送料無料: 6,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>One of the most important contributions to contemporary political philosophy, Rawls’s A Theory of Justice, re-ignited political philosophy and revolutionized how we theorize about justice. Rawls’s approach to justice advanced political philosophy in important and valuable ways ? most significantly in the way that it showed that political philosophy remained relevant for our lives and our world.</p> <p>Unsurprisingly, over forty years later, social and global realities present theories of justice with new challenges. This volume examines what these new challenges are, and whether contemporary theories are in a position to respond to them. The collection brings together essays that push the boundaries of justice theorizing in new directions, and that begin to construct a new paradigm. The collection contributes to the creation of a platform from which new ideas and new conversations, about the challenges and opportunit...

China and America’s Tech War from AI to 5G The Struggle to Shape the Future of World Order【電子書籍】[ A. B. Abrams ]
China and America’s Tech War from AI to 5G The Struggle to Shape the Future of World Order【電子書籍】[ A. B. Abrams ]
¥ 7,003 送料無料: 6,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>China and America’s Tech War from AI to 5G examines how Sino-U.S. geopolitical competition has increasingly centered on the performances of the two countries’ technology sectors and their ability to dominate development of critical next generation technologies. It analyzes and compares the strengths of China and the U.S., ranging from the ability to produce and attract talent, to the degree of government support and the scale and funding for technological research. Abrams reviews and weighs important technology areas such as green energy, artificial intelligence, Quantum Computing, and 5G will likely have, the means both parties have exercised to gain advantages, and the consequences of leadership for the county who attains it.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Ironclad Forging a New Future for America's Alliance【電子書籍】
Ironclad Forging a New Future for America's Alliance【電子書籍】
¥ 7,003 送料無料: 6,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>At a time when many alliances are being called into question, this volume considers the present and historical realities of the global U.S. alliance network. Ironclad contributes to the scholarly, political, and policy debate on alliance theory, examining the theoretical underpinnings of why states align, the effects of nuclear weapons on alliance alignment, and the implications of the cyber domain for alliances. Ironclad further informs the reader on the practice of alliance management in the twenty-first century, with studies of the U.S. alliance system in Asia and Europe. Sure to be of use to scholars, students, and policy practitioners alike, Ironclad is a definitive examination of the value and role of alliances in the twenty-first century.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Ethics and the Future of Religion Redefining the Absolute【電子書籍】[ W. Royce Clark ]
Ethics and the Future of Religion Redefining the Absolute【電子書籍】[ W. Royce Clark ]
¥ 7,003 送料無料: 6,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>W. Royce Clark observes that humanity appears to be jeopardizing our own future in a chaos of mutual antagonism and hypocrisy. Religions have traditionally provided ethical guidance, but because their absolutized metaphysics are incompatible with each other, we cannot rely on any one of them in a religiously pluralistic culture. The ethics of various religions are also built on theocratic or authoritarian foundations which are incompatible with any democratic society. Finally, many of their premises are very ancient, so not relevant or appropriate in our modern scientific world.</p><p>The Western Enlightenment brought challenges against religion’s singularity, exclusivity, heteronomy, and anti-scientific assumptions, all of which disrupted their ethics and the Absolute metaphysical grounds upon which those ethics rested, raising the question of whether a “freestanding” ethic was possible. Inasmuch as the primary cla...

Changemakers in Government: Women Leading the Way CHANGEMAKERS IN GOVERNMENT (The Future Is Female (Alternator Books (R))) [ Artika R. Tyner ]
Changemakers in Government: Women Leading the Way CHANGEMAKERS IN GOVERNMENT (The Future Is Female (Alternator Books (R))) [ Artika R. Tyner ]
¥ 7,004 送料無料: 6,000円〜
型番: PUBN2024
【楽天ブックスならいつでも送料無料】CHANGEMAKERS IN GOVERNMENT The Future Is Female (Alternator Books (R)) Artika R. Tyner LERNER PUBN2024 Library Binding English ISBN:9798765608876 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction

Changemakers in Sports: Women Leading the Way CHANGEMAKERS IN SPORTS (The Future Is Female (Alternator Books (R))) [ Ngeri Nnachi ]
Changemakers in Sports: Women Leading the Way CHANGEMAKERS IN SPORTS (The Future Is Female (Alternator Books (R))) [ Ngeri Nnachi ]
¥ 7,004 送料無料: 6,000円〜
型番: PUBN2024
【楽天ブックスならいつでも送料無料】CHANGEMAKERS IN SPORTS The Future Is Female (Alternator Books (R)) Ngeri Nnachi LERNER PUBN2024 Library Binding English ISBN:9798765608890 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction

"[マルイ]FUTUR x Courtney MC MC Witchcraft G Fit Tee / Acid/ビーセカンド(B'2nd) ブラック"
¥ 21,120 : 19,000円〜
CC007827590101 "Tシャツ・カットソー [型番:7852134559]FUTUR × COURTNEY MC(フューチャー×コートニーMC)より”MC MC Witchcraft G Fit Tee”のリリースです。こちらはFUTUR × COURTNEY MCのスペシャルコラボラインとなります。<FUTUR>2014年秋にデビューしたパリ発のストリートブランド。パリらしい、クリーンでセンスの良いグラフィックTやスウェット中心のコレクション。ポルトガルやイタリア等ヨーロッパの有名工場で生産されるアイテムは、スケートブランドのそれに留まらないハイクオリティなストリートウェアとして注目が集まる。 (表地)コットン 100%(裏地)コットン 100%(附属部分)コットン 97% ポリウレタン 3%"

"[マルイ]FUTUR/MC SILK SHIRT/ビーセカンド(B'2nd) レッド"
¥ 40,920 : 36,500円〜
CC007827660101 "シャツ [型番:7852123552]COURTNEY MCとのコラボレーション アロハシャツ FUTUR - フューチャー MC SILK SHIRT<FUTUR>2014年秋にデビューしたパリ発のストリートブランド。パリらしい、クリーンでセンスの良いグラフィックTやスウェット中心のコレクション。ポルトガルやイタリア等ヨーロッパの有名工場で生産されるアイテムは、スケートブランドのそれに留まらないハイクオリティなストリートウェアとして注目が集まる。 (表地)シルク 100%(裏地)シルク 100%"

価格で絞り込む: 円以上

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