Undertow The Rip Current that Drowned mySELF and Saved mySOUL【電子書籍】[ Nash Hudson ]
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>On the outside it appeared that Nash Hudson, an aspiring cruise director, had his life together. He was overzealous, headstrong, and extremely impatient while fulfilling his desires on his terms first, then demanding that God bless it all. Just as Nash skillfully shaped his next career steps,he was unexpectedly swept away by a current that would divinely reset his career trajectory and ultimately save his life. In this inspirational memoir, Nash reveals how, with his dreams hanging in the balance, he was relocated from his childhood home while suffering from the internalized side effects of fatherlessness, childhood trauma he mistakenly believed was wiped from his memories, and an estranged relationship with God. As he chronicles his experiences, Nash offers a candid glimpse into the world of a broken man who hit rock bottom, discovered God was the rock at the bottom, and embraced the necessary waves of character transform...