【ただ今クーポン発行中です】発売日: 2023/9/22輸入盤USレーベル: Factory Benelux収録曲: 1.1 1. Rainforest Ritual1.2 2. United1.3 3. Choral1.4 4. Green Light/White Shirt (Deaf)1.5 5. Brutal1.6 6. the Plateau Phase1.7 7. Nightfall Ends the Ceasefire1.8 8. Bardo Plane1.9 9. at the Sounding of the Klaxon1.10 10. Chill1.11 11. I Talking/You Talking PTS. 1+ 21.12 12. Lucifer Rising1.13 13. Black Death (Life Is Knife) (12")1.14 14. from the Cradle to the Grave (7")1.15 15. Four Minutes from the Frontline (7")2.1 1. Not What I Expected (10")2.2 2. Deaf (10")2.3 3. Come on (Peel Session)2.4 4. Drug User/Drug Pusher (Peel Session)2.5 5. October 31st (Peel Session)2.6 6. Egypt (Peel Session)2.7 7. a Sense of Reason (Piccadilly Session)2.8 8. the Eastern Bloc (Piccadilly Session)2.9 9. Concorde Square (Piccadilly Session)2.10 10. the Presence (Piccadilly Session)2.11 11. Headhunters2.12 12. Frozen Blood2.13 13. Turnbuckle2.14 14. the Gift of Danger2.15 15. Hollow Points2.16 16. th...
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Crispy Ambulance / Fin + Frozen Blood【K2023/9/22発売】 の外部リンク