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1,067 4,260 13,369
型番候補(適合度順): THE22(1) | FOR22(1)
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価格、在庫状況などの更新日時: 2024年05月18日 03時49分23秒 (4.27s)
The Story of the Chanel Bag Timeless. Elegant. Iconic.【電子書籍】[ Laia Farran Graves ]
The Story of the Chanel Bag Timeless. Elegant. Iconic.【電子書籍】[ Laia Farran Graves ]
¥ 1,067 送料無料: 500円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Timeless and ever-fashionable, the Chanel handbag is the luxury goods statement piece that is always in demand. Since the launch of the 2.55 in 1955, Chanel has unveiled a curated classic selection of styles that has reached iconic stature ? and here you will discover their myriad seasonal adaptations, limited editions and special features.</p> <p>From the ultra-rare beaded lucite Cage Flap to the discontinued Diana (named after Princess Di), the So Black to the Graffiti backpack, the book traces the rise of the Chanel bag from the very first designs to today's releases and charts the Chanel bag in popular culture and celebrity fashion.</p> <p>A detailed behind-the-scenes look at the craftsmanship explains the details of quilting, leathers and materials, hardware, labels and stitching, as well as how to authenticate a Chanel bag. Whether you are considering buying retail or second-hand, to celebrate a milestone, co...

Maternar a tu manera Consejos y anticonsejos de una mam? terapeuta【電子書籍】[ Daniela M?ndez ]
Maternar a tu manera Consejos y anticonsejos de una mam? terapeuta【電子書籍】[ Daniela M?ndez ]
¥ 1,157 送料無料: 1,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Este no es un libro de parenting. No sugiere tips ante pataletas o c?mo ignorar recomendaciones no solicitadas de otras madres, hermanas, suegras o amigas… Tampoco califica los tipos de mam?s o qu? tan mal o bien organizas tu rutina de skincare y preparas a un tiempo la colaci?n de tu hijo preescolar. Muy lejos de dar c?tedra, a trav?s de honestas reflexiones y de variados testimonios de pacientes y amigas, Daniela M?ndez, psic?loga psicoanalista y madre, reivindica el derecho de las mujeres a maternar como les d? la gana. Es decir, como quieran… o puedan. En ?poca de constantes exigencias femeninas, de f?cil apedreo p?blico en redes sociales y de agotadores mandatos de ser buena mam?, resulta que la ?nica gu?a y motor para<br /> maternar ーesa decisi?n consciente de parir y de acompa?ar a crecer a otro ser humanoー, reside en el interior amoroso de cada mujer, dice la autora. All? donde ninguna receta es universal, y dond...

軸心國毀滅倒數:不可一世的法西斯陣營,如何逐?失去二戰優勢?【電子書籍】[ 劉幹才、李奎 ]
軸心國毀滅倒數:不可一世的法西斯陣營,如何逐?失去二戰優勢?【電子書籍】[ 劉幹才、李奎 ]
¥ 1,189 送料無料: 1,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>  本書介紹二戰期間在海上發生的重要事件,透過一場場戰役,盟軍開?了太平洋戰爭反攻的序幕。這些戰役不僅對當時的局勢?生了深遠影響,也?示了海上作戰中新舊科技、策略眼光和決斷魄力之間的博?。</p> <p>?馬塔潘角戰役<br />   英國和義大利於1940年7月在地中海馬爾他以南的馬塔潘角交戰。英國艦隊執行封鎖義大利船隻的任務,並成功阻止了義大利水手們放置水雷。儘管此次戰役規模不大,但它在當時的歐洲戰爭中卻是一場小型的海上勝利。</p> <p>?北極航線戰役<br />   第二次世界大戰期間,徳國海軍嘗試切斷英美蘇聯三國間的北極航線。盟軍成功地在冰天雪地的環境下日夜保護船隊,穿越北冰洋運輸物資到蘇聯。這場戰役主要?及到徳國潛艇和盟軍護航艦隊之間的攻防。</p> <p>?馬來西亞海戰<br />   1941年末,英國皇家海軍派往東南亞戰場増援,但於1942年初的馬來西亞海戰中被?敗,英國和其盟友被迫撤退至新加坡。這是二戰太平洋戰爭期間的一個重要軍事事件,被認為是英國在亞洲殖民地統治結束的轉捩點之一。</p> <p>??特灣戰役<br />   1944年10月23日至25日,這是第二次世界大戰太平洋戰爭期間美國海軍和日本海軍之間的一場重要海戰。日軍實施了捷-1作戰計畫,企圖為即將到來的...

天災少年はやらかしたくありません!【電子書籍】[ もるもる ]
天災少年はやらかしたくありません!【電子書籍】[ もるもる ]
¥ 1,265 送料無料: 1,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>元冒険者の両親の間に生まれた少年、アル。一見普通の男の子だが、彼の中には、実は3つの魂が宿っていた!? それらはそれぞれ別世界からやってきた、技術者、武芸者、魔術士の魂。各分野の天才である三人にものを教わるうちに、いつしかアルは異常なチート持ちとなっていた。やがて学園に入学することとなったアルだが、試験で山を吹き飛ばし、早速注目を浴びてしまう。さらにはドラゴンをワンパンで倒したり、空から隕石を引き寄せてしまったり……天才少年による天災級のトラブル生活が今、始まる!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Facciamo giustizia Istruzioni per l'uso del sistema giudiziario【電子書籍】[ Michele Vietti ]
Facciamo giustizia Istruzioni per l'uso del sistema giudiziario【電子書籍】[ Michele Vietti ]
¥ 1,300 送料無料: 1,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Dieci passi verso una giustizia effettiva. Un percorso quasi obbligato per rivitalizzare un sistema soffocato dal suo stesso peso. Una strada che passa da una profonda revisione del processo, che mette in discussione il dogma dei tre gradi di giudizio, che restituisce al rito accusatorio e alsistema delle sanzioni penali la loro vera natura, che supera l’equivalenza giustizia-giurisdizione e punta sulle risoluzioni alternative. Una ricerca di interventi strutturali e non emergenziali per questioni “calde” come la lotta alla corruzione e le intercettazioni. Una ridefinizione - responsabilizzante ma non punitiva - delle prerogative e dei limiti dell’attivit? dei magistrati e dei rapporti tra le magistrature. Dopo il successo di La fatica dei giusti, Michele Vietti ritorna sulle priorit? della giustizia italiana con un “decalogo” operativo che offre gli spunti per un ampio progetto di riforma.</p>画面が切り替わりますの...

Fairness, Vertrauen und Reziprozit?t in experimentellen Spielen【電子書籍】[ Michael Tomaschewski ]
Fairness, Vertrauen und Reziprozit?t in experimentellen Spielen【電子書籍】[ Michael Tomaschewski ]
¥ 1,373 送料無料: 1,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich BWL - Sonstiges, Note: 1,7, Universit?t zu K?ln (Institut f?r Wirtschafts- und Sozialpsychologie), Veranstaltung: Psychologie der Entscheidung, 27 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Tatsache, dass sich Menschen meistegoistisch verhalten, hat Adam Smith, der Begr?nder der National?konomie, bereits fr?h erkannt, indem er sagte: 'It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.' (1904, S.14) Demnach m?ssen sich Menschenin ?konomischen Beziehungen nicht darauf verlassen, dass sich ihre Verhandlungspartner aus purer N?chstenliebe fair verhalten. Vielmehr handeln sie aus Eigenliebe, die sie dazu treibt, alles daran zu setzen, die Verhandlung erfolgreich zu beenden. So wird der B?cker stets seine besten Br?tchen zum Verkauf anbieten, da es ihm nur dann gut erge...

Democracy Inside Participatory Innovation in Unlikely Places【電子書籍】[ Albert W. Dzur ]
Democracy Inside Participatory Innovation in Unlikely Places【電子書籍】[ Albert W. Dzur ]
¥ 3,064 送料無料: 2,500円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>In our current era of deep distrust in our politics and political institutions, there is also a pervasive sense that social problems are so overwhelmingly complex that it is virtually impossible to solve them. In <em>Democracy Inside</em>, Albert W. Dzur looks at recent instances of effective citizen action across the United States to develop a grounded political theory of democratic change, one in which citizens effectively engage with institutions. Drawing on qualitative interviews with practitioners involved in democratic schools, restorative and community justice, and collaborative city governance, Dzur stresses that we need to turn to ordinary, daily life and focus on how "democratic professionals" are breaking down barriers and bring people into decision-making processes at the granular level. These reformers are not transforming high politics or national-scale institutions, but they have been effective...

Anaesthesia ー Innovations in Management【電子書籍】
Anaesthesia ー Innovations in Management【電子書籍】
¥ 6,076 送料無料: 5,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>R. Droh Ladies and gentlemen. dear friends and colleagues. we welcome you very cordially to our symposium "Innovations in Management and Technic and Pharmacol ogy". We are very glad that you have come to Liidenscheid and we do hope that our programme will fulfil your expectations. We decided to hold this symposium, because it is getting more and more dif ficult to select innovations at international congresses around the world which are important for our clinical work. Now and in the future our intention is to present the actual state of technology. management and pharmacology. We wouldbe very glad to receive your suggestions for further symposia. The industry has the same problems as we have. They do not only have to search for those things which can be realized and which are desirable, but also for those things which can be sold. But the industry must also be stimulated by the inventors and by the users, so we ...

Rental &Leasing of Heavy Construction Equipment Revenues World Summary Market Values &Financials by Country【電子書籍】[ Editorial DataGroup ]
Rental &Leasing of Heavy Construction Equipment Revenues World Summary Market Values &Financials by Country【電子書籍】[ Editorial DataGroup ]
¥ 12,745 送料無料: 11,000円〜
型番: FOR22 THE22
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The Rental &Leasing of Heavy Construction Equipment Revenues World Summary Paperback Edition provides 7 years of Historic &Current data on the market in about 100 countries. The Aggregated market comprises of the22 Products / Services listed. The Products / Services covered (Rental &leasing of heavy construction equipment Lines) are classified by the 5-Digit NAICS Product Codes and each Product and Services is then further defined by each 6 to 10-Digit NAICS Product Codes. In addition full Financial Data (188 items: Historic &Current Balance Sheet, Financial Margins and Ratios) Data is provided for about 100 countries.</p> <p>Total Market Values are given for22 Products/Services covered, including:</p> <p>RENTAL + LEASING OF HEAVY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT REVENUES</p> <ol> <li>Rental &leasing of heavy construction equipment Lines</li> <li>Passenger cars/other automotive w/o drivers renta...

Atlas of Intestinal Stomas【電子書籍】
Atlas of Intestinal Stomas【電子書籍】
¥ 13,369 送料無料: 12,000円〜
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Designed to provide a highly visual reference for surgeons and other members of the patient management team, <em>Atlas of Intestinal Stomas</em> is based on the 1967 gold standard text, Turnbull and Weakly’s Atlas of Intestinal Stomas. Additions include chapters on anatomy and physiology, biliary stomas, pediatric ostomies, the continent ileostomy, urostomy, laparoscopic stoma construction, stomas in trauma surgery, stomas for antegrade continence enema, percutaneous ostomies, and quality of life. There are also sections on ileostomy, colostomy, enterostomal therapy and on themanagement of complications of stomas such as management of the high output ostomy, enterocutaneous fistula, parastomal hernia, prolapse, and skin conditions.</p> <p>The Cleveland Clinic pioneered the entire practice of ostomies, beginning in 1858 and continuing to this day as the world’sleading academic and clinical center. The editors and ...

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