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About (en) / Acerca de (es) anchor.png Edit

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Description (en) anchor.png Edit

xpwiki is a great module for xoops. This page looks for to collect data about this module for the english speakers, to aim to own a base of advice to optimize its yield.

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Descripción (es) anchor.png Edit

xpwiki es un gran módulo para xoops. Esta página intenta recolectar información sobre este módulo, para los hispanohablantes, a fin de obtener una base de consejos para optimizar su rendimiento.

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FAQ's (en) anchor.png Edit

  • How to fix the TOC (table of contents) to work in Internet Explorer correctly?
    • If you use XOOPS Standard distribution or ImpressCMS, you are probable that she has problem. In order to solve it, please open the file "root\include\xoops.js" (arround line 3 and 18), and realises the following modifications :


 if ( typeof window.$ != 'function' ) {
function $() {
 var elements = new Array();

 for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
   var element = arguments[i];
   if (typeof element == 'string')
     element = document.getElementById(element);

   if (arguments.length == 1)
     return element;


 return elements;


if ( typeof window.$ != 'function' ) {
var $ = function () {
 var elements = new Array();

 for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
   var element = arguments[i];
   if (typeof element == 'string')
     element = document.getElementById(element);

   if (arguments.length == 1)
     return element;


 return elements;

Referencia: "xoops.js [Correction of xoops.js] - xpwiki : ImpressCMS". - nao-pon

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Preguntas frecuentes (es) anchor.png Edit

  • Como corregir el error en la TOC (tabla de contenidos) para que funcione correctamente con Internet Explorer?
    • Si usted utiliza la distribución standart de XOOPS o ImpressCMS, es probable que tenga este problema. Para solucionarlo, por favor revise el archivo "raíz del sitio\include\xoops.js" (aproximadamente, líneas 3 y 18) y realice las siguientes modificaciones:


 if ( typeof window.$ != 'function' ) {
function $() {
 var elements = new Array();

 for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
   var element = arguments[i];
   if (typeof element == 'string')
     element = document.getElementById(element);

   if (arguments.length == 1)
     return element;


 return elements;


if ( typeof window.$ != 'function' ) {
var $ = function () {
 var elements = new Array();

 for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
   var element = arguments[i];
   if (typeof element == 'string')
     element = document.getElementById(element);

   if (arguments.length == 1)
     return element;


 return elements;

Referencia: "xoops.js [Correction of xoops.js] - xpwiki : ImpressCMS". - nao-pon

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Princeps date: 2008-09-07 (Sun) 04:00:25
Last-modified: 2009-01-30 (Fri) 05:45:10 (JST) (5852d) by nao-pon



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